前台北榮總 蔡鎮安醫師主持,特聘高醫、長庚、奇美、中山、榮總醫師群聯合看診,於2009年引進美國整合牙醫診所使用的專業除汞設備,並提供安全除汞的治療。
目前分類:口腔知識家 (6)
- May 12 Wed 2010 01:22
- Feb 04 Thu 2010 09:04
Teeth are our organs.
Teeeth are closely connected with lives.
Section 5-5. A new approach in dental medical therapy to stimulate systemic health by treatment of teeth
When “Hazo” treatment successfully achieves the therapeutic objective such as optimization of dental occlusion and removal of the causes, together with improvement of oral conditions and systemic symptoms, we usually perform oral internal examinations to confirm complete cure of “Hazo diseases”. After complete cure of the diseases is verified, the voluntary patients can receive periodical prophylactic services with the objective to maintain optimal conditions of dental bites and to promote “Hazo” health. This medical service is based on the new medical paradigm because the conventional prophylaxis depending on only oral health is not sufficient for that purpose. In addition to them, the followings are also required such as systemic health promotion via teeth, improvement of mental and physical functions and elevation of happiness feeling. In the 21st century, dental medicines will enter into a new phase such as a brand new medical service. Its feasibility is already explained in the above. An old saying tells us “Lead the way by setting an example”. KOS opened the specific facility with the name of “Dental Care Salon Muratsu” measuring about 100m2 so as to provide such care services in August 1996, after obtaining official approval. To our best knowledge, this facility seemed to be the first one in Japan, and therefore, the outlines of this facility were presented at the 48th General Congress of Japanese Society for Dental Health for the convenience of other dental medical specialists. As of today, about 300 persons are undergoing health medical services under this new paradigm whereby they aim at achieving real health and happiness symbolized by the term “Feeling of no feeling”.
- Dec 01 Tue 2009 02:04
- Nov 25 Wed 2009 11:58
牙齒和經絡及其對全身之影響 (一)
- Nov 02 Mon 2009 11:54
有時候小朋友因為緊張害怕連嘴吧都不願張開、或者一直哭叫踢鬧,牙醫師和小朋友的基本對 話都有問題,嚴重者還要牙醫師、牙醫助理和家長一起按住小朋友才能診療,因此小朋友看牙最大 的重點是要能夠溝通,其次是要讓小朋友放心不要太緊張,舒緩解決心理上緊張害怕的壓力其實是 比治療生理上的牙痛還來的重要。心理是比較長期的問題,生理相較來說是比較短期些的。